Those Newborn days

Is it any wonder newborns can make time feel as though it slips away.

One minute we are preparing our Wellington Point studio for a newborn portrait session while awaiting our lovely clients + the next, it is time to wrap it up.

In a blink of an eye and the shutter. Countless images, positioning, embracing, and witnessing the love and connection a new life in the family brings!

Capturing adorable wrinkles and folds, fresh and soft skin, new growth of hair, and countless newborn expressions while sleepy and nestled into our studio - this newborn portrait session is the wholesome content we love to share.

For now, be present, the ebb and flow of life is a gift - As is it to share this dreamy baby girl’s gallery with you all!

I can only imagine our clients spend what feels like eternity watching and doting on their newborn, only to suddenly realise they have become a baby! No doubt we will blink and welcome her back for some baby sitter portraits or a family photography session as she grows.