Beauty in a Portrait Collection

There’s beauty in the warm glow of a sunset. There’s beauty in an afternoon surrounded by the ones you love. There’s beauty in every little moment you immerse yourself in.

For a photographer - there’s simply beauty in it all.

A Heirloom Portrait Collection with Wylde Folk Studio is not only about having your memories preserved in time, but also about being present in the moment with your loved ones.

Wylde Folk Studio can help you find amazing locations in Brisbane, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and surrounds. No distractions, the freedom to be yourself and find a sense of joy in every moment. Capturing your family portrait is Tahlia’s life’s work - her passion! Those who have captured your heart will be forever documented in a stunning Portrait gallery.

For this beautiful family of six, a simple walk through a grassy field turned into a delightful, love-filled afternoon - A series of small moments, became meaningful photographs framed on their wall. Remember, these are your memories, with who you choose to love, the extra sweetness comes in the delivery of a stunning Wylde Folk gallery collection.

Through any season of life, love and loss, Photographers see the beauty everywhere in their work. If you are new here - Tahlia will have you feeling like an old friend, and if you are a returning client - Tahlia will have you falling more in love with her work each time.

The very warmth of this family’s love should be enough to make you book a photography session in winter.