Brisbane Sunset Grassy Field Maternity Photography Session

For the moments that don’t seem like anything are in fact everything…

I hear all too often from mums that they regretted not getting maternity photos taken. I think it is all too easy to fall into the trap of not feeling quite ourselves when pregnant, our bodies change, our hormones are changing and not to mention the sometimes constant nausea.

This season of our lives though is fleeting and like all things… it doesn’t last forever.

We need to appreciate the incredible work that our bodies do to grow a tiny human. In the years to come I can almost guarantee your children will come up to you and ask for a photo of them in your belly so let’s give them something timeless and beautiful to remember this time by.

It’s important to remember photographs only gain value as time goes by, this is something I am really passionate about educating clients on. We don’t know what the future holds but we do have the power to document the now. To hand down beautiful, timeless portraits to our children and in years to come their children.

If you have been sitting on the fence about when and what the “right” time is to capture your memories. This is your not so subtle nudge. Get in contact with that photographer you have been following, ask your friend who took those beautiful photos of their family last year you adore. Contact that photographer who’s photos you can’t stop looking at! Invest in your memories and invest in your family.

Below are some of my absolute favourite moments of beautiful Anges Brisbane Maternity photography session. It was such a pleasure to spend the afternoon with her and her gorgeous family.